Sleep Better - September Sleep Tips - Down & Cotton

Sleep Better - September Sleep Tips

As the nights draw in and the temperatures begin to drop, it's time to transition your bedding from Summer to Autumn. Find out how in our September Sleep Tips, plus we explain what Duvet TOG is, and how to get the right one for the Autumn months. 

1. Layering your bedding 

It's a funny time of the year and sometimes September can bring with it Indian Summers. But then before we know it, the chillier evenings have set it. It can be hard to know whether it is time to switch out your bedding to a higher TOG or not. If you layer up your bedding, this will give you the flexibility to remove layers if it's too warm, or add more if it is a little fresher at night.  Blankets and throws are great for this.

2. Switch off 

September means it's back to school and back to a routine for many. It may be tricky in this routine to find some time to switch off and relax.

However, making sure you take a break in the evenings is a key part of getting a good night's sleep. Take time to disconnect from technology and try a calming bath with magnesium. Magnesium is a natural mineral known for sleep-inducing properties. 

Or pick up a book and enjoy some screen-free time as you lose yourself in a bit of fiction. Read our Reasons to Read before Bed blog for more on how reading can help you get a good night's sleep. 

3. Lower your lighting

September brings with it shorter days, which means darker evenings. Make the most of this by diming the lights in your home 60 to 90 minutes before you head to bed. This helps to relax your eyes and to slow down your brain. It's a way of subtly preparing your mind and body for sleep. 

Once you have lowered the lights in your home, make sure you're not suddenly doing a host of household tasks. This time with more ambient lighting is your cue to slow down.

4. Think about TOG and switching your duvet

A lightweight, low TOG duvet will have been great to see you through the summer months. Especially this year when the UK has had a lovely, long heat wave.

Now there is a freshness to the air and Autumn is on its way, it may be time to think about changing your duvet for one with a higher TOG.

What does TOG mean? TOG stands for Thermal Overall Grade. It is the unit of measure used to calculate the thermal insulation of duvets. The higher the TOG the warmer the duvet. 

What TOG should you use for your Autumn Duvet?  6 TOG duvet is a great transitional duvet. It is perfect as an Autumn Duvet, giving you a little extra warmth without before too warm. You could even try a 9 TOG duvet, which is not only great as an Autumn Duvet but as a year-round duvet option.

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